Helping You Make Sense of Today's World
For over 50 years, Summit Ministries has provided biblical worldview resources for Christians, churches, and schools. We believe it is vitally important for Christians to understand the times with God’s Word as their guide. Our books and media resources exist to support you in learning to grow in faith and train the next generation.
Together, we are a community of people who believe deeply in fortifying our Christians beliefs. Thank you for joining us as we learn to embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview.

Truth Changes Everything
Renowned worldview and apologetics expert, Dr. Jeff Myers, vividly illustrates how ordinary people who believed in Truth—not the relative “truths” of our current postmodern and pluralistic culture—transformed society in times of crisis, and how you can do the same today. Order this amazing look into history and those who followed God’s truth and championed a biblical worldview.
Perspectives: A Summit Ministries Series
Perspectives is a new series of books brought to you by Summit Ministries and Baker Books.
This series is a collection of works that will help readers experience God’s truth in all aspects of life. As a result, our prayer is that readers will become champions of a biblical worldview who will pass their faith on to rising generations with grace and truth.
Perspectives brings together biblical experts who can walk alongside readers, exploring the most challenging issues of our day. This series will help you, your family, and your church to think biblically about every area of life.
Find out more and access free study material (discussion questions, chapter videos, and more) for each book at and
Unquestioned Answers
Secret Battle of Ideas about God
A virus has been spreading across America, but many are unaware of its existence and of the potential fallout. Chances are you’ve already been infected without even realizing it. The virus is made up of dangerous ideas—worldviews that don’t reflect Jesus and biblical living.
According to a recent Barna study, only 1 in 5 Christians have a complete biblical worldview. Jeff Myers shines a light on the bad ideas that have been infecting Christians. He explains secularism, Marxism, Islam, new spirituality, and post-modernism, and teaches Christians how to understand what they believe, why they believe it, and how to defend against the fatal answers to life’s questions.
Based on Summit’s 55 years of experience in helping Christians form a Biblical worldview, this seven-week curriculum kit contains Dr. Myers’ book, The Secret Battle of Ideas About God; a DVD with renowned Bible teachers such as Del Tackett, John Stonestreet, and Sean McDowell; and a Leaders and Participants Guide.
Summit Worldview Library
The Summit Worldview Library is the gold standard of worldview and apologetics studies, now revised and updated to help a new generation know and defend the Christian faith against competing worldviews.
Based on Summit Ministries’ half century of teaching, this trusted worldview reference set provides an invaluable resource for students of the Bible to understand today’s most significant worldviews and defend their faith. It’s a required resource for every Christian’s bookshelf. After reading this series, one will be able to understand and confess what the Christian faith believes, what other worldviews believe and how such worldviews compare to Christianity, and finally, how to take these concepts into the culture in which we live, addressing critical issues our world faces.
Other Small Group and Church Studies
Additional Homeschool Curriculum
Secrets of Great Communicators
The world is in great need for leaders of all ages to step up. Leadership, great communication, and influence are keys to becoming a great leader. Each learning kit comes with a access to videos, teacher resources, and a student text.
Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. Young children must be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand firm in the truth.