Taylor Swift from a Christian Worldview


Though a careful Google search would provide ample material to consider how the Taylor Swift Phenomenon lives in opposition to a biblical worldview, here are a few worth highlighting:

  • One of our friends at Summit wrote a great article that discusses the influence of Taylor Swift as a role model in light of a biblical worldview. The article also echoes our discussion on the need for clear processing, and the emotional strain the younger generation feels when considering expressing their beliefs.
  • The Gospel Coalition explains why Taylor Swift is so popular and how her music and image contradict a biblical worldview.
  • Taylor Swift’s recent work has begun to mock the essentials of the Christian faith – God and prayer.
  • Though we don’t agree with every claim made about how we interact with culture, this author presents a strong argument that Taylor Swift should not be a role model for our younger generation.
  • This opinion piece explores Taylor’s recent vocalized support of the LGBQT+ community and her disgust with those who oppose that lifestyle. The author does a good job of holding the social idol of empathy with a biblical perspective of love. Summit staff produced an article that further explores her claims and a Christian response to the LGBQT+ community rooted in Scripture.
  • Genesis 1 and 2 are our model of how things ought to be according to God’s good design. Central to that good design is the sanctity of life—the understanding that God gives life and that we are inherently valuable because we are made in the Creator’s image. Like a growing percentage of our current culture, Taylor Swift opposes this fundamental understanding of life.
  • This author examines the way that unlimited popularity can be a downfall- even for Taylor Swift. I appreciate how the author explores how the perceived lack of accountability and wisdom in Taylor’s life can leave us with a healthier posture of concern and compassion for Taylor, a Christ-image bearer in need of a savior.

There are many articles on the Internet from individuals and organizations that claim the name of Christ, but we would point back to the 5Rs of processing and the essential stage of weighing Biblical Truth against what we would like to believe to be the truth. The Bible is unchanging, despite what individuals (Christian or not) and culture may say.