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When Fear & Dread Rage - 10 Steps to Overcoming Them
In a fallen world, fear and dread lie just below the surface. Times of crisis heave us into uncertainty. We...
The 4 Questions That Shape a Teen’s Faith
What are the 4 Questions? You know that asking questions about our faith is important. You also know that what...
The Neglected Virtue of Gratitude
As we approach Thanksgiving, our thoughts turn to giving thanks for all the good things the Lord has done and...
Nurturing a Thankful Heart in Ourselves and Our Children
Just over 400 years ago a group of refugees boarded a cramped merchant ship and began a treacherous trip across...
Preparing for Spiritual Warfare
As Halloween comes around every year, the reality of the spiritual realm comes to the forefront in many people’s minds....
A Christian Response to the Occult
Christians hold various opinions about Halloween, but one thing it certainly points to is the human fascination with the supernatural....
Art & Postmodernism—Part II
Read Part I. We’ve been considering the implications of various worldviews that shape the way we think about truth. Let...
Art & Postmodernism—Part I
Why do people today think the way they do about truth? Though most ideas about truth come from philosophers, most...
The Image of God: Our Identity as Representatives of God
What does it mean to bear the image of God? Read & download the ebook here. Amongst all the beautiful...
Postmodernism 2.0, Truth, Race, and Sex
A truth-denying philosophy called postmodernism is making a comeback. In some ways, it never left. When people speak of “My...
Women Witnesses: How Jesus Meets and Elevates the Status of Women
Jesus’ ministry is one of reversal. One of the extremely countercultural and revolutionary aspects of Jesus’ ministry is how he...
Christianity: Champion of Women’s Rights
In recent years, whenever there have been marches and protests about women’s issues, it is common for some women to...