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Actively Pursuing Justice
Justice is not just avoiding what’s wrong; it is pursuing what’s right.
God Loves Justice
We ought to care about justice, and not just because there is sin in the world. Justice is important, period.
What is a Biblical Worldview of Justice?
We need the wisdom of a biblical worldview to have a serious dialogue about the source of true justice.
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C. S. Lewis once offered a strikingly obvious but frequently ignored piece of advice. His advice addressed those who wanted...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Church
In describing why Christians need other Christians, Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “The Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Reading Books
When it comes to books, we usually hear about two kinds of people: those who hate reading with a passion...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Prayer - Part 2
In a previous article, we discussed the idea that prayer is an invitation into the life of the Trinity. This...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Prayer - Part 1
Prayer is nothing short of an invitation into the divine life of the Trinity.
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Solitude and Silence
Instead of seeing it as an obligation, try viewing times of solitude and silence as an invitation to meet with...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Meditating on Scripture
In our last post, we covered some suggestions for reading and studying Scripture. But what about the biblical practice of...