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Moving Forward with Biblical Justice
We love our neighbor not just by avoiding doing wrong things, but by doing what is in our power to...
Jesus Shows us the Way to Justice
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). It’s a threefold claim that has...
Our Rights Come From God
What is the difference between natural law and legal positivism, and how do these views shape the administration of justice?
Actively Pursuing Justice
Justice is not just avoiding what’s wrong; it is pursuing what’s right.
God Loves Justice
We ought to care about justice, and not just because there is sin in the world. Justice is important, period.
What is a Biblical Worldview of Justice?
We need the wisdom of a biblical worldview to have a serious dialogue about the source of true justice.
Get to the Original Source
C. S. Lewis once offered a strikingly obvious but frequently ignored piece of advice. His advice addressed those who wanted...
Spiritual Disciplines Series: Church
In describing why Christians need other Christians, Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “The Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word...