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Thinking About Healthcare from a Christian Worldview Perspective
An interview with Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries Q: How does Summit help its students think about the issues...
He Will Strike Your Head: God’s Unfolding Plan of Redemption
God’s grace first appears in the middle of sin—in Genesis 3:15—as God announces the consequences of the first disobedience. The...
Fact Sheet - Essential Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus
Enjoy this fact sheet compiled by Summit Ministries, based on the Minimal Facts Approach developed by Gary Habermas of Liberty...
Gospel Truth: Do the “Lost Gospels” Undermine Biblical Authority?
By Dr. Jeff Myers, excerpted from Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics In 1945, fifty-two papyri were discovered...
Top 5 Reasons Most College Students Give Up their Christian Faith
(Adapted from a 2007 article by John Stonestreet and Chuck Edwards) We talk a lot about young people walking away...
Women’s Rights: Advanced by a Christian Worldview for 2,000 Years
How Christians Acting on Biblical Beliefs Secured the Basis for Women’s and Children’s Rights By Dr. Jeff Myers, excerpted from...
Our Dual Citizenship: A Christian Perspective on Immigration
By Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries The issue of immigration divides Christians because they get confused about what...
Marxism in America? Yes.
Three places where you’ll see Marxism in America Today, since communism is still a bad word, those who want to...
Your Morality, My Morality, Everyone's Morality: In Defense of Moral Absolutes
To say that the Christian worldview is true is to say that it best describes the contours of the world...
The Elephant in the Room: Competing Worldviews and Religions Can't All Be True
In questioning the truth or falsehood of various worldviews, we risk a great deal. Whether we accept Christianity, Islam, Secularism,...
Struggling to Empathize: The Fight to be Fully Human, Pt. 3
Relationships are on the decline in America. A major study called “Social Isolation in America” revealed that the average number...
A Straightforward Way to Think about the Bible and Science
Science assumes that nature operates in a predictable, stable manner—principles that early scientists believed because they held a Christian worldview.