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Struggling to Remember: The Fight to be Fully Human, Pt. 2
In our time, three key aspects of our humanity are at risk - concentration, memory, and empathy. This threat to...
Why We Cannot Be Silent: An Interview with Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Dr. Al Mohler, Jr. talks with Aaron Atwood about his new book, We Cannot Be Silent. Dr. Mohler shares how...
An Interview with Illinois State Representative Tom Morrison
In this interview, Aaron Atwood talks with Illinois State Representative Tom Morrison, a 1992 Summit Student Conference graduate, about the...
Struggling to Concentrate: The Fight to be Fully Human, Pt. 1
In our time, three key aspects of our humanity are at risk – concentration, memory, and empathy. This threat to...
3 Myths That Shrink Faith and Drive Students From the Church
LifeWay did a study years ago showing that 70 percent of 23- to 30-year-olds drop out of church, and only...
Why Students Walk Away
We received an email from a Christian school administrator in Pennsylvania, sharing the story of a girl who had attended...
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?: An Interview with Alan Shlemon
There's been a lot of discussion among both Muslims and Christians around this question: Do Muslims and Christians worship the...
5 Films Every Christian Should See
What do a musical, a mob movie, and a sports movie have in common? All of them are films every...
Why Should We Care?
The question we face today: Are biblical ideas still relevant? We can agree that Christians ought to be nice people:...
Remembering Reagan's Faith
Ronald Reagan's list of accomplishments is long: husband, actor, governor, president, pro-life advocate, the Soviet Union’s great rival — just...
5 Books to Read to Your Kids
I love reading to my kids, in part because I only read books that I enjoy too. Reading together has...
Four Falsehoods About Finding Your Calling
As followers of Christ, we often hear fellow believers talk about wondering what vocation they have been designed for, looking...