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Leaders Are Readers: Dr. Mike Adams Shares His Must-Read Book List
Summit’s founder, Dr. David Noebel, would often say that “leaders are readers.” His call to read is something we take...
5 Reasons to Study the Bible
Why should we study the Bible? Here are five reasons from Summit's President Emeritus, Dr. David Noebel.
4 Ways to Stand Against the Avalanche of Pornography
The Internet has brought a ready stream of lurid pictures and videos within a few clicks of any family. Summit...
How Save the Storks Took Flight: An Interview with Joe Baker
Joe Baker, founder of Save the Storks, shares the story of how God called him to the pro-life movement, and...
Why Morality Matters: An Interview with Brett Kunkle
While God's moral laws are often prohibitions against certain behaviors, scripture also paints a picture of "yes." When God tells...
Tipping Points
Brought into the popular imagination by Malcolm Gladwell, the idea of a tipping point is that when enough pressure is...
The Truth is Out There: Faith & Reason in The X-Files
Perhaps a large part of The X-Files’ success was its central paradigm of faith and reason working together — interrelating...
5 Principles for Christian Voters
As Christians, how should we engage with the political process? If there was ever a time for Christians to be...
3 Questions Christians Should Ask About Civil Disobedience
As a Christian in America, it's easy to feel like an outsider. In a growingly-hostile environment, it's not hard to...
The Worldview of New Year's Resolutions
I recently found a note from my past. It was a single sheet of paper, covered in my childish handwriting,...
5 New Books You Don't Want to Miss
Around Summit, we spend a lot of time reading. Here are five new books that recently crossed our desks – by...
Far As the Curse Is Found
I've noticed something odd about the way most people record or perform the hymn "Joy to the World" today. Four...