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Disabilities, Discrimination, & the Dignity of Life
In Stanley Hauerwas’ book, Suffering Presence, which is a collection of theological reflections related to the world of medicine, he...
Is it Possible to Deradicalize Gen Z?
Dr. Jeff Myers shares that if we want the rising generation to fight for America’s future, not against it, we...
A Christian Economic & Societal Flourishing
If you’d like to learn more about economics from a biblical worldview and the ideas explored in this article, check...
Will We Earn the Honor of Future Generations by Standing for Truth & Justice?
French sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in the heyday of the 1830s and immediately saw the source of her...
Truth Changes Everything: How a Biblical Worldview Advances Science
Below is an excerpt from Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis, written...
Parent Kit: The Compatibility of Science & Faith
Summit Ministries is proud to stand with parents in every season of raising the next generation of Christians. It can...
Myths and Facts About the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do conversations about Israel and Palestine leave your head spinning? Few issues seem to have as much misinformation surrounding them...
Step-by-Step Guide to Talking about Israel with Gen Z
When deadly viruses attack, doctors focus on combatting infection and infusing patients with massive doses of fluids and electrolytes to...
A Christian's Guide to the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do you find yourself asking endless questions about how to understand the conflict in Israel? Whether you’re seeking answers for...
An Argument from Design for God’s Existence
It is difficult not to feel a sense of amazement when looking at the surrounding world. There are millions of...
Faith, Science, & the Quest for Truth
As he stood before Pilate, Jesus responded to the governor’s question about his identity as a king: “You say that...
No Man’s Sky & the Argument from Apparent Design
Does the mere appearance of design in the natural world indicate a designer? And what does a video game have...