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What Are the Benefits of Having a Rock Star Pope?
After being named Time Magazine’s 2013 person of the year, Pope Francis now graces the cover of Rolling Stone, a...
Three Things We Can Learn From the Life and Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman
At age 46, Philip Seymour Hoffman, the greatest actor of his generation, was found dead with a syringe in his...
Bill Nye and Ken Ham Debate the Earth's Origins - Do Our Origins Matter?
Although Bill Nye claims that creationism is not a viable model of origins in today’s scientific era, he remained baffled...
State of the Union: Do Christians Place Too Much Hope in Government?
In his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed more government solutions to a wide variety of problems. But,...
What Christians Can Do to Enliven Their Communities and Fix a Broken Nation
When describing the state of the nation, respondents to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll overwhelmingly selected negative terms, including...
What is the 'Good Life'?
The English word flourishing is based on the ancient Greek idea of eudaimonia — the good life. It’s not a...
Want to Win the Culture? Focus on Human Flourishing
The American Revolution has had a lasting, positive impact because its leaders focused not on angry vengeance (like in the...
It's Time to Draw the Line
I fully expected President Obama’s administration to be pro-abortion, but never in my life did I imagine that it would...
What's at Stake in the HHS Mandate?
It’s clear that the federal government, in enforcing what has become known as the HHS contraception mandate, is propping up...
If Redistributionists Really Cared About the Poor, Here's What They Would Do
Many well-meaning young adults think free markets are hard-edged and callous toward the poor. At Summit, our approach is to...
Do You Know Why Economics Is a Moral Issue?
Every liberal economic policy is predicated on the assumption that coercive governments are morally superior to free markets. But how...
America's Founders: As Goes Religion, So Goes All Freedom
As governmental and social restrictions on religion increase, violent religious persecution and conflict result. That’s the stunning conclusion of a...