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Making a Living or Making a Life
These days, questions like “What does it mean to know a particular thing?” have been supplanted by questions like “What...
Making Sense of Postmodern Metaphysics
So what is really real? Here’s a baffling but revealing example about how Postmodernists approach the question. In 1991 French...
Good News to Consider Every Day
Some see God as a judge who, after a couple of millennia of contemplation, decides to punish his own son...
The Corrupting Power of Sin
Things function best according to design. If we ignore God’s design for eating, our bodies function poorly. If we ignore...
How Good Was Creation?
Christianity rejects the reduction of human life to an “episode between two oblivions” as Ernest Nagel memorably phrased it. "Good"...
What's So Bad about Marxism?
One of the big issues I’ve wrestled with during the Understanding the Times revision is how relevant some of the...
We Can't Misunderstand Islamic Theology
I’m now writing the Islam worldview chapter for the new edition of Understanding the Times. Of the 10,000 words in...
The True Believer is Everywhere on the March
Last night I finished the chapter on the Secularist worldview for the new Understanding the Times course. Unsurprisingly, the research...
What Do We Make of Radical Islamicism?
Americans continue to want answers to questions surrounding the September 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Though many legitimate questions...
The Aesthetic: Clues to God's Design for Beauty
LifeWay Christian Store’s recent decision to pull the film The Blind Side from its shelves because of profanity, violence, and...
Confronting Cries of Bigotry
According to the Oxford American Dictionary, a bigot is: "a person with strong and prejudiced views who will not listen...
Bringing Maturity to an Immature Culture
At Summit we admonish young Christians to abandon childish ignorance and embrace the responsibility of honorable citizenship. Among the biblical...