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What Do We Make of Radical Islamicism?
Americans continue to want answers to questions surrounding the September 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Though many legitimate questions...
The Aesthetic: Clues to God's Design for Beauty
LifeWay Christian Store’s recent decision to pull the film The Blind Side from its shelves because of profanity, violence, and...
Confronting Cries of Bigotry
According to the Oxford American Dictionary, a bigot is: "a person with strong and prejudiced views who will not listen...
Bringing Maturity to an Immature Culture
At Summit we admonish young Christians to abandon childish ignorance and embrace the responsibility of honorable citizenship. Among the biblical...
The Abolition of the Person
Nearly 70 years ago — before Roe v. Wade and before the world discovered the full extent of the horrors...
Chronicling Leftist Lies
Chronicling leftist lies: “98% of Catholic women use contraception”
At Summit, we teach our students to counter every fact claim with...
God’s Petty Jealousy?
Oprah used to be a Baptist until she heard a pastor describe God as “jealous.” Merriam-Webster defines “jealous” as “intolerant...
Anarchy in America
For now, though, the OWS movement seems to be winding down. Maybe it’s just because it’s cold outside. But many...
How Did Math Become So Interesting?
I’ve always found inspiration in agnostic scientist Robert Jastrow’s statement about the limits of science: "For the scientist who has...
Defending Marriage: The Building Block of Society
Study after study shows that marriage — defined as a monogamous relationship shared by a man and woman — deserves...
The Truth About Mass Murderer Anders Behring Breivik
The New York Times was quick to label Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik “a Christian extremist" (July 24, 2011)....
Grave Lessons about Application
I was staring into the open grave of my son Christopher. The nightmare all parents dread had become my life....