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Is Government-Run Health Care a Good Idea?
There is a huge debate across our nation as to whether government-run health care is a good idea. Those who...
Overcoming a Verse Bite-Culture
"Never Read a Bible Verse!" is the title of a booklet Gregory Koukl has written to help people read the...
The Ethics of Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand was a prolific and very popular author. Her engaging philosophy has captured the minds of many students and...
Christmas Now and Once Before
One would be hard-pressed to invent a scene more beautiful than that of the Christmas nativity. The newborn child, his...
Ideas Have Consequences
While there are significant disagreements among the various expressions of postmodernism there is a key belief that characterizes all of...
Domestic Tranquility
Since the late 1960s, feminists have very successfully waged war against the traditional family, in which husbands are the principal...
The Worldviews of Destruction in the 20th Century
"Beware lest any man take you captive through vain and deceitful philosophy, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments...
Total Truth
“Your earlier book says Christians are called to redeem entire cultures, not just individuals,” a schoolteacher commented, joining me for...
Doing Life Together
If I've read the New Testament right, as followers of Christ, we are members of Christ's body (1 Cor. 12:14–21),...
Leaving Psychology Behind
Modern American psychology, like the land of ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts. This division of psychology into three...
Critical Thinking
In the following essay, we will briefly discuss the nature of an argument, the law of non-contradiction, and a selection...
The Religious Foundation of American Politics: Why Religion and Politics Do Mix
In recent years, some people have used the concept of "separation of church and state" as a principle to eliminate...