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Censoring the Past
It is instructive how one segment of our society screams "censorship" every time its views are questioned, but when Christians...
Seven Tactical Errors Inerrantists Commit
As some see it, the theological foundation of evangelical unity is the fact that the Bible is an inspired book,...
Living as if People Mattered
Biblical service isn't a tactic designed to boost profit margins, protect market shares, keep customers happy, or improve employee relations....
No God, No Good
At a conference concerning the teaching of moral values in the public schools, a justifiably well-known philosopher from an eastern...
The Garden and the Wilderness
Genesis 1:1 tells us, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Verse 2 adds, "The earth was...
The Battle For Life
As we discuss the issue of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, it is critical that we not only understand what is...
Socialism, Capitalism, and the Bible
Which choice then should I, as a Christian, make in the selection between capitalism and socialism? Capitalism is quite simply...
Fundamental Principles of Christian Economics
In this essay, let me try to set forth a few fundamental principles of Christian economics that could, in my...
Mormonism: A Survey and Biblical Critique
In order to be equipped to witness to our Mormon friends we need to know what we believe. It is...
Mormonism: Testimony to Another Jesus Christ
The biblical Christ stands in sharp distinction to the christ of Mormonism. Therefore we must declare that no matter how...
Science and the Bible
It's the first day of school. As you walk out of Biology class, your friend, Joey, pulls up beside you...
The Scientific Evidence for Creation
Duane Gish, noted creationist, lays out a case against evolution, drawing on evidence from the fossil record, homology, vestigial organs,...