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Fundamental Principles of Christian Economics
In this essay, let me try to set forth a few fundamental principles of Christian economics that could, in my...
Mormonism: A Survey and Biblical Critique
In order to be equipped to witness to our Mormon friends we need to know what we believe. It is...
Mormonism: Testimony to Another Jesus Christ
The biblical Christ stands in sharp distinction to the christ of Mormonism. Therefore we must declare that no matter how...
Science and the Bible
It's the first day of school. As you walk out of Biology class, your friend, Joey, pulls up beside you...
The Scientific Evidence for Creation
Duane Gish, noted creationist, lays out a case against evolution, drawing on evidence from the fossil record, homology, vestigial organs,...
Can Intelligent Design Be Empirically Detected?
To say that the battle between creation and evolution rages today would be, as the proverbial saying goes, an understatement....
A World Split Apart
Harvard's motto is "VERITAS." Many of you have already found out, and others will find out in the course of...
Ideas Have Histories
Postmodernism comes in all kinds of shapes and expressions. This sort of variety can make it difficult to understand. Further,...
Why He's Not Emergent, by Someone Who Used to Be...
Todd Hunter has been through just about every expression of American evangelicalism that exists and has come to rest in...
Why Students Don't 'Get It'
If Christian Smith and Melinda Denton are correct, our key concern in regards to the next generation is that they...
Helping Students 'Get It'
While a significant number of Christian students reject Christianity during their university years, far more struggle to embrace a faith...
How to Survive Psychology Graduate School
Whenever you play a game, you must first know the rules. In a similar way, students need to understand the...