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Book Review: Are Mormons Christians? by Stephen E. Robinson
Although a god allegedly told Joseph Smith in his first vision that he should join none of the Christian denominations,...
Book Review: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra
What is Chopra's solution to our supposedly self-generated sicknesses? He suggests that we recreate our reality, including a "physiology of...
The Three Kinds of Illiteracy
Education at all levels in the United States has reached the crisis stage. Of course, the situation didn't arise yesterday;...
The Creative Arts
The creative arts play a crucial role in shaping the worldview of every person and culture. They are an implied...
On Fundamentalism
One of the defining moments in my personal journey was a class I took in seminary from Dr. John Woodbridge...
'The Shack'
Over the last few months, I have been asked numerous times if I have read The Shack by William P....
Life and Marriage (Part 3)
(This is the final post in a three-part series. Don’t miss parts one and two.) Finally, to end this mini-series on...
Life and Marriage (Part 2)
In yesterday's post, I addressed the first of the three most common reasons offered for why Christians ought to abandon...
Life and Marriage (Part 1)
Summit Ministries recently received an email critical of our stance on abortion and gay marriage. The letter is not unique,...
The World Has Not Come to an End
I will admit to being a little depressed this morning... But, I hope that disappointed conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, do...
Ten Reasons Not to Vote Today
"Everyone should vote," or so they say. I disagree. Here are ten reasons why you should not vote today.
God and Government
It seems that all we hear from the campaign trail is constant bickering, blaming the other party for whatever the...