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What Does Postmodern Mean?
We live in a postmodern world. Or, so we're told. But what does this mean? On one level, postmodern is...
The Relativistic Fog: Why Moral Relativism Can’t Be True
"What's right for you might not be right for me."
"Everyone has to decide for himself what's right."
"What's right depends on...
Should Christians Go to War?
With the recent escalation of war between Israel and Hezbollah, the debate continues among Christians over the issues of violence...
In God We Trust: Will the National Motto Stand?
In recent years, there have been a growing chorus of individuals who object to the national motto being printed on...
Andrew Sullivan’s Elephant: Mixing Religion and Politics
There is an overlooked elephant in the room in Andrew Sullivan's Time Magazine essay. In his essay, Mr. Sullivan coins...
The End of Humanism: Mankind Doesn’t Fare Too Well in Cutting-edge Intellectual Thinking
Remember humanism? That optimistic belief that human beings are the apex of the universe, the source of all values, and...
The Influence of the Secular Humanist Worldview
Secular Humanists have developed a comprehensive view on various issues, including the nature of man, moral values, the role of...
What Was Eric Cornell Thinking?
Eric Cornell, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics, authored an essay in Time magazine titled, "What Was God Thinking?...
Living in the Real World
In the high-action, Kung fu fighting, futuristic science fiction film, The Matrix, high-tech hacker Neo is rescued from a computer-generated...
Discerning Worldviews in Movies: Theology, Philosophy and Psychology in Star Wars
There are various ways to evaluate movies, such as tracing the growth of the main character, evaluating the theme(s), critiquing...
Beyond Entertainment
I used to tell my daughters, "if the screenwriter, director and producer are simply out to entertain you, then you...
Debunking the Flat Earth Myth
Do you remember hearing about Columbus convincing the Spanish monarchs that he would not fall off the edge of the...