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Living in the Real World
In the high-action, Kung fu fighting, futuristic science fiction film, The Matrix, high-tech hacker Neo is rescued from a computer-generated...
Discerning Worldviews in Movies: Theology, Philosophy and Psychology in Star Wars
There are various ways to evaluate movies, such as tracing the growth of the main character, evaluating the theme(s), critiquing...
Beyond Entertainment
I used to tell my daughters, "if the screenwriter, director and producer are simply out to entertain you, then you...
Debunking the Flat Earth Myth
Do you remember hearing about Columbus convincing the Spanish monarchs that he would not fall off the edge of the...
Evolution of the Eye
A student recently emailed with the following question: "Isn't it true that Darwin admitted before he died that he couldn't...
Psychology, Humanism, and the Battle of the Gods
Everywhere we hear the message of "self" — it's even the name of a magazine dedicated to, what else, the...
Kinsey, Sex, and Lies: What They Didn't Teach You in Sex-Ed Class
Many cultural observers consider Alfred Kinsey the "Father" of the sexual revolution — the 1960s social tsunami that changed the...
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's DNA
There is one issue that is foundational to every worldview — the question of the existence of God. All other...
Politics and the Christian
How have we come to the place that public school officials are afraid of having the word "God" mentioned in...
Why Christians Should Vote
Americans are blessed to have a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." But democracy has...
Science and Religion: Are They At Odds?
Many people today have the impression that there is a war between modern science and religion, and that science has...
The Importance of Worldview Training: Instilling a Christian Mindset
Recent surveys of worldview thinking have illustrated that even students raised in Christian homes, who attend church regularly, and who...