All Podcasts
Episode 32: Texts and Hermeneutics
In this lecture, Christopher Yuan explains the Biblical position on homosexuality and refutes point-by-point the claims of Matthew Vines and...
Episode 31: Unpacking Intelligent Design
Casey Luskin explains intelligent design, sharing evidence for design and responding to evolutionary claims and counter-arguments.
Episode 30: God's Not Dead and the College Classroom
Dr. Mike Adams responds to the film God's Not Dead by sharing how Christian students can avoid pitfalls in the...
Episode 29: Why Absolute Morality Matters
Dr. Frank Beckwith and Aaron Atwood sit down to talk about why morality and the natural law matter, as well...
Episode 28: Can We Be Moral Without God?
Where does morality come from? Can we explain morality apart from God? Those are two of the questions Dr. Frank...
Episode 27: Loving Your LGBT Neighbors
How can Christians relate to our LGBT neighbors with grace and love without comprising truth? In this interview, Glenn Stanton,...
Episode 26: Evidence, Apologetics, and Outreach
J. Warner Wallace sits down with Aaron Atwood to share his story and explain circumstantial evidence, setting realistic goals for...
Episode 25: The Case for the Reliability of the Gospels
Detective J. Warner Wallace explains the four tests used to determine if an eyewitness is reliable, then applies those same...
Episode 24: Mike Adams' Must-Read Book List
Dr. Mike Adams offers his top Christian and apologetics book recommendations and shares why each book is a must-read.