All Reflect
Gender Norms and True Manhood
The Church may blame society for causing gender confusion in our children, but how much of this is due to...
To Die For, Pt. 1
Sam Smith’s recent single “To Die For” has melancholy lyrics and soaring vocals telling a tale of unattained love.
Capturing the Moment
What if we could change reality? What if we could stop time? What if we could capture those moments of...
Tiger King: Postmodernism and the Power of Stories
According to postmodernism, we may as well forget about what’s “true” and enjoy Tiger King for its entertainment value.
The Most Important Line of The Infinity Saga
True heroism is not having great powers and abilities; it is putting the needs of others before our own.
Blink of an Eye
Humans don’t really long for immortality as much as they long for relationships and connection.
Thinking about Death in Tales From the Loop
Tales From the Loop uses technology as a lens through which it introspectively explores the nature of human relationships.
Modern Loneliness: Never Alone, Always Depressed
Lauv may not be a singer that everyone is talking about yet, but he’s an artist that a lot of...
Falling Asleep in a Secular Culture
The world of Disney Pixar's Onward is much like our own. We have forgotten the magic.
Dungeons & Dragons and Our Storytelling Nature
In years past, D&D had a limited—but passionate—fanbase. Now the game is enjoyed by people of all types, including celebrities....
Post Malone and the Emptiness of Secularism
Many of Post Malone's songs express feelings of loss and emptiness, showing that, despite his success, Post does not feel...
Lessons from Link’s Spiritual Deconstruction
A running theme in Link’s story is his discouragement in trying to live a committed Christian life. What lessons can...