All Reflect
Are You Good Enough for the Good Place?
Can any of us be good enough for Heaven? NBC's The Good Place offers some surprising answers.
Lex Luthor’s Problem of Evil
“If God is all-powerful, he cannot be all-good. And if he is all-good, he cannot be all-powerful." True or false?
The Invisible Walls of Injustice
As racial tensions continue to run high in the United States, Black Panther offers us an opportunity to reflect.
The Rubble or Our Sins?
Bastille's song, "Pompeii," offers us a chance to take a hard look at our culture and ourselves.
Free Will or Fate?
Charlie Brooker's Bandersnatch examines the ideas of free will and determinism. What does the Christian worldview have to say?
Blocked in the Black Mirror
Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror has more to say about what humans actually do with technology, than what it does to...
Fact vs. Faith?
The hit show, The Big Bang Theory, portrays Christians as unscientific. Is this portrayal justified? And if so what do...
Created to Create
What does it mean to be human? There seems to be no better avenue for exploring this question than through...
Caretakers or Pioneers?
According to Cooper: “It’s like we’ve forgotten who we are . . . explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.” But are these...
When You Love Someone . . . and When You Don’t
According to one source, every 13 seconds someone in the United States files for divorce. The song "When You Love...
Are You a ‘Natural’?
When people think of modern rock music, the band Imagine Dragons probably comes to mind. What is the band's newest...
Alive, Like Me
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom raises a host of interesting questions regarding bioethics, animal rights, and what it means to be...