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How Can the Church Address Sexuality without Being Divisive?
Rosaria Butterfield calls the church to stand up against false teachings on sexuality, all while fostering a community for believers...
What is the Role of Sex and Marriage in Society?
Sex and marriage go hand in hand, and when a society embraces sex within the context of marriage, it has...
How's Christianity Relevant to Me?
It can be tempting to separate Christian beliefs with behavior. The Bible, however, views obedience to God as a natural...
How Do We Discern God’s Will for Our Lives?
With so many big decisions facing us today, it can be hard to know where God is leading us, or...
Is It a Sin to Have Doubts?
Dr. Jeff Myers addresses the common misconception that having doubt is a sin. Using biblical examples, he shows how many...
What Makes the Bible Unique?
Throughout history there have been numerous religious texts which have had a tremendous impact on the world. What makes the...
How Do We Fit Into God’s Story?
As the set apart people of God, we are called to show those around us the character of God through...
What is Bioethics?
Bioethics is a rapidly growing field. Megan Almon discusses how bioethics answers questions like “What does it even mean to...
How can we discuss complex theology with nonbelievers?
Sean McDowell explains that the doctrine of Creation is important to a Christian worldview because it tells us what kind...
What is the relationship between apologetics and the Bible?
Mary Jo Sharp explains how apologetics can drive you back to the Scriptures. God has given us general revelation about...
What is sin, and why does it matter?
Greg Koukl talks about sin as a concept we are all familiar with and uses that familiarity to explain why...
Who Created God?
Melissa Cain Travis explains that when Christians say that all things must have a cause, they mean that all things...
Is it possible to make a case for Christianity without the Bible?
J. Warner Wallace argues that we can understand that God exists without the Bible but in order to make a...
Has the Church Engaged Well on the Topic of Homosexuality?
Dr. Christopher Yuan warns that the church has adopted the secular concept of sexual orientation instead of emphasizing one’s true...
How Does Jesus Elevate Women?
Mary Jo Sharp shows how Jesus broke first century cultural norms by speaking to the Samaritan woman, praising Mary for...