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How Do We Know the Bible is Reliable?
Mark Mittleberg discusses the reliability of the Bible and shows that it is both internally and externally confirmed. We see...
How Can We Minimize the Negative Effects of Technology in Our Homes?
In this video, Kathy Koch presents three easy ways to keep technology use under control in our homes, and encourages...
How Can Questions Guide Conversations?
I am a strong proponent of navigating through conversations using questions. Greg Koukl discusses how using a tactical approach and...
Why is Biblical Marriage so Important?
What matters is what God thinks and what God has said. Mark Mittleberg discusses the biblical view of marriage, and...
How Can I Use My Smartphone Well?
This device is great for connecting people outside the room when it does not interfere with the relationships of the...
What is the Role of Apologetics in Christianity?
I am not surprised that the church is sometimes confused about the role of apologetics. J. Warner Wallace explains that...
How Can Christians Portray the Fulfilling Life that Jesus Gives?
So often we think of the gospel of something to be preached not lived. Christians are called to share the...
Are People Born Gay?
Dr. Christopher Yuan suggests that there is no conclusive evidence to support the claim that people are born gay; however,...
Should I Set Guardrails Around Screen Time for My Kids?
Most kids today get a smartphone at the average age of 10 years old. Jonathan McKee challenges us not to...
What's Wrong With Loving the Sinner, Hating the Sin?
Dr. Christopher Yuan explains that although the phrase ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’ makes sense to Christians, this may...
Should Christians Judge Others?
J. Warner Wallace discusses why the cliche “it’s not my place to judge” paralyzes Christians. Judging without relationship should be...
What Makes the Christian Worldview the "Right" One?
Greg Koukl defines what worldview is, and discusses different ways in which the Christian worldview proves to be accurate. Want...
Is Christianity Anti-Science?
J. Warner Wallace addresses the criticism that Christianity is anti-science. Ironically, some of the greatest early scientists believed in God!...
Apathetic Christians
I think sometimes we underestimate the power of apathy. We’ve all had conversations with someone who seems apathetic about Christianity....
Voting is Over, Now What?
Billions of dollars are spent on an election. Polls are taken, articles and op-eds are written. For months, policies and...