Ideas have consequences, bad ideas have victims. Please pray for Colorado.

John Stonestreet talks about Amendment 79

Dr. Jeff Myers is president of Summit Ministries. As an educator and entrepreneur, Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development.

I wanted to send a quick note to our Colorado friends. I’m voting “no” on Amendment 79 which, if passed, would:

    • make Colorado the most pro-abortion state in America,
    • allow abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason or no reason,
    • remove parental notification,
    • jeopardize pro-life pregnancy resource centers,
    • prevent state and local governments from regulating abortion clinics,
    • make it impossible for women to get reversal drugs for chemical abortions, and
    • permit the state to use your taxpayer funds to pay for all this.

Our Summit Ministries Statement of Convictions says, “All human beings bear God’s image and are thus inherently valuable—beginning at conception—whether or not society regards them as healthy, productive, or useful.”

I believe, just as we teach students at Summit Ministries, that it is always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. All humans are inherently valuable regardless of size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency.

Resources to Help You Understand Ammendment 79

  • Here is a video from Summit instructor John Stonestreet of the Colson Center and Marcie Little, a Summit ministries graduate heading up the “No on 79” efforts in Colorado
    • Colorado Pregnancy Care Alliance (COPCA) Excellent 1 minute videos.

Now is a time to stand. If you’ve got a vote, you gotta vote. And please join with us in prayer that God would have mercy on Colorado and move the hearts of the people to choose life.