Christian Calling and Law Enforcement
“Those two weeks (at Summit) back in the summer of 1994 changed the course of my life . . . I was a bit of a rabble-rouser back in the day. Aside from the Lord’s grace and mercy, Summit was the single most reason that I survived college, held on to my faith, and started my professional life with a solid grounding in a biblical worldview.”
— Brian Skaret, graduate of the Summer Student Conference
Brian is now a prosecutor for the Department of Justice and his Summit experience is still impacting his life years later. Recently, he sat down with John Stonestreet on the BreakPoint podcast to share an incredible story of a case he worked on that brought restoration to the entire city of Juarez, Mexico.
“Today [Brian] Skaret is doing the sort of thing that Chuck Colson would have loved—fighting for justice, in this country and overseas. As an attorney with the Department of Justice for the last 15 years, Skaret lives out his faith by confronting evils.”
— John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Click here to listen to the whole podcast. You don’t want to miss this story.
The Breakpoint episode on Tuesday, April, 10th also featured Brian’s story. Click here to listen.
As it did for Brian, this life-changing conference will equip your students to engage in culture with a biblical worldview. Learn more.