Today’s video by Sean McDowell makes some great points about religious truth. Sean notes that not all roads lead to God because not all roads agree on who God is, or if there is even a god at all. Sean also points out that only one road, Christianity, does in fact lead to God, because it is the only road that solves the universal problem of sin. Jesus came to pay the price for our sins so that we could have relationships with God. No other worldview deals with this problem, so if it really is a problem, the other worldviews can’t possibly lead to God.
This leaves us to question: is sin really a universal problem? Most people will in fact grant that it is a universal problem, even if they don’t use the word sin. We all know that we have done things that we shouldn’t do. It’s common for pastors to ask their congregations, “Are there any perfect people out there? If so, go ahead and raise your hand so we can all give you praise.” Except for the joking child, no one ever raises a hand to this question, because we know that we make moral miscues on a regular basis. Furthermore, we know that we should be held responsible for things that we have done wrong, whether punishment came or not.
As such, it makes sense that any road to God would have to deal with the fact that we have all broken the moral law, given to us by God, that we generally try to live by. We have chosen to reject his law, and we deserve punishment. If we are honest, we all know that. Thankfully, we don’t have to take on the full force of God’s wrath, because Jesus accepted that burden so we wouldn’t have to.
As Sean says in the video, no other worldview deals with this problem. It is for this reason that is is not arrogant for Christians to say that we are on the only road that leads to God; only our road has a bridge, like Jesus, to traverse the gap of humanity’s mistakes. Without such a bridge, we could never get to God.
Sean says:
“God is a holy, perfect, righteous being, and since we are sinful, we are separated from him… So the question is, ‘Who fixed the problem of sin?'”