I will admit to being a little depressed this morning… But, I hope that disappointed conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, do not offer the impression that our hope is dashed. It is not, for at least two reasons.
First, it was never in this election to begin with.
I was reminded of this last night by a good friend, who is also a good father. Our families watched the election results together. When the winner became obvious, his young son looked concerned. Todd’s wise response: “It’s a good thing our salvation isn’t in politics, right son?”
Second, most elections in the history of the world — especially those as hotly debated as this one – are accompanied by violence and death. Elections in the U.S., including yesterday, are never accompanied by violence and death.
I was in Jamaica during an election in 1997. Walking through Montego Bay the days before the election, I came across several political rallies that were nothing more than shouting matches. On the rooftops were armed soldiers with assault rifles. I was warned not to go out of the house the day of the election (or the day after). The Peace Corps instructed their people not to go out that day, either. Because only eight people were murdered during that election, the election was hailed as peaceful and considered a strong step forward, as compared to previous elections.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am decidedly not optimistic about America’s direction or future. Not because it will change all that drastically, despite the words of our new President-elect. My fear is that it will accelerate in the direction it is headed, which is the social and economic direction of Europe, which is currently committing suicide.
But, the Kingdom of God will outlast the United States, Europe, Western Civilization, and the Presidency of Barack Obama. As my friend Barrett Mosbacker wrote in his blog entry this morning:
The church of Christ is the focal point of history, with Christ being preeminent. God superintends the affairs of men in such a way as to establish genuine free moral agency and personal responsibility, for the good of His people, and for His glory. Ultimately, this election is for our good and God’s glory. This does not mean that everything that occurs will be good but God promises to work all things together for the good of His people.
Pray, rest in God’s wise providence, respect those in authority, work for what is right, model dignity in word and deed before your students and teach them how to think, how to love, and how to Glorify the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Barrett’s entry is excellent and should be read by all. You can find it here.