Today’s article by Al Perrotta at The Stream brings to attention a glimmer of hope in the midst of the crisis in Venezuela. Al discusses how socialism has driven the country into poverty and violence, but many have turned to the Lord for the “tools to live in crisis.” Churches are being flooded with new waves of worshippers seeking to find hope in their time of need.
It is interesting that the citizens living under socialism in Venezuela have given up hope in solving their problems through socialism. For those who are not interested in looking to history to see the destruction of socialism, Venezuela is a contemporary, ongoing display of socialism in action. The citizens are looking for hope elsewhere. They aren’t looking to another economic or political system, but rather, to the church.
More importantly, we are able to see how God is using even human mistakes to bring people to himself. It is often difficult to see the ways God is working in our lives during times of crisis, especially when the crisis is at least partly our fault. In moments like these, we can find peace by resting in Scripture and putting our hope in the sovereign God of the universe.
Sometimes we have to realize that we can’t save ourselves before we will turn to God for help. Thankfully, many in Venezuela are doing just that.
Al says:
“Still, there is hope. As the Post was discovering, the people of Venezuela in increasing numbers are calling out His name and seeking His face. They have assurance from God He will forgive their sin and heal their land.”