10 Words to Heal Our Broken World: Restoring the Meaning of Our Most Important Words — Scott Allen

Summit Ministries

If you want to change culture, you begin by changing language. The enemies of the gospel know this all too well. They’ve been cunningly at work redefining our most fundamental words, embedding them in our institutions and school curriculum, all to transform society to reflect their harmful, anti-Christian beliefs. As followers of Jesus Christ, how should we respond? By clearly knowing and defending the true biblical definitions of at least ten critical words: truth, human, sex, marriage, freedom, justice, authority, faith, beauty, and love. If we long to see a revival in the church and a reformation of culture, we must recover the true definition of these ten foundational words.

Listen in as Dr. Jeff and Scott Allen, author of 10 Words to Heal Our Broken World: Restoring the Meaning of Our Most Important Words, discuss these fundamental words that are being challenged.