The Struggle to Communicate

Summit Ministries

Wherever we go, we’re surrounded by disagreements. Most of us don’t go looking for them, but they seem to follow us everywhere. And in the midst of disagreements, it can be a struggle to communicate.

There are two common responses to the tough conversations that lead to disagreements. Usually, we avoid them because they might cause an argument, or make someone feel uncomfortable. On the flip side, often those who don’t avoid the issues can be pretty aggressive instead, hurtful with their words, and no doubt unmoving in their opinion.

And as much as we may not want to admit it, Christians and the church are no exception.

Imagine striking up a conversation in church or small group about racism, divorce, pornography, or depression. It’s easy to just say, “no thanks”.

But Christians play a critical role in the fight to redeem the church from the grip of avoidance and aggression. We must be biblically trained and prepared to winsomely respond to such issues.

Honest, heartfelt conversations about these personal issues are challenging. But they are necessary. After all, what we each individually think about an issue doesn’t ultimately matter. What matters is what God has said in His Word. His Word is our standard of what is right and wrong. This is where we will find our path forward. After all, just because we might disagree on a moral issue, that doesn’t make us mortal enemies.