Christian Worldview
Creating Heaven on Earth: Taking Your Summit Experience Home
It’s remarkable how quickly a place and its people can change you. After just 12 days at Summit, you may...
(Some of) the Meaning Behind Kendrick Lamar’s Superbowl Halftime Show
Wait, Back Up… Who is Kendrick Lamar? Lamar is one of the most influential and decorated hip-hop artists of all...
How to Live Forever
The Bible discusses the importance of stewardship over many things, from the environment to our finances. This command also applies...
What Is the Church For? Flourish Group Study Session 6 Trailer
In this video, we learn how the Holy Spirit empowers the church to be God’s representatives in the world. You...
Can Christians Make a Difference? Flourish Group Study Session 5 Trailer
In this video, we see Jesus as the tangible expression of God coming near to us. Everything points forward to...
Gen Z’s Problems With Money & the True Secret to Financial Peace With Shane Enete
Is debt that bad? What do you NEED to know about finances? When almost everything we use (streaming, listening,...
When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square — Natasha Crain
As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the...
Creating Heaven on Earth: Taking Your Summit Experience Home
It’s remarkable how quickly a place and its people can change you. After just 12 days at Summit, you may...
What Does It Mean to Be Happy?
All normal human beings want to be happy. Aristotle observed that happiness is the goal of human life.1 For we...
Testimony of the Transformative Power of Summit Ministries
Micah Hughes grew up with a basic understanding of worldviews and religious beliefs, but he often felt stuck and unprepared...
The Metamodern Mood
For years, Christian thinkers have lamented the pervasiveness of postmodernism, a worldview that rejects grand narratives and objective, big-T Truth...
Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture: An Interview with Jeff Myers
Check out the following interview between Sean McDowell and Jeff Myers in the book Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture A...
The Anxious Generation: How the Gospel Offers Freedom & Hope
On October 16, 2006, Tina and Ronald Meier experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when they discovered that their 14-year-old daughter,...
Inspiring Unmotivated Kids: What to Do & What Not to Do
Who doesn’t want self-motivated kids? As great as that sounds, everyone knows how hard it can be to inspire some...
How Summit Ministries Changed My Life
I’m so thankful to share the role Summit Ministries played in my life and am grateful to my Lord and...
Three Ways Jesus’ Return Gives Us Hope for Today
Hope can seem elusive—like a firefly slipping past a child’s outstretched hand. Sometimes, it seems unreachable, too dim, quickly extinguished....
Love Your Neighbor This Political Season
Undoubtedly, we live in politically polarized times, as affirmed by Gallup and the Pew Research Center. People around the world...
Passing the Baton Of Godly Faithfulness To Your Children Is Easier Than You Think: Think Small to Win Big [Download]
Do you get paralysis by analysis when thinking about passing your faith onto the next generation? Don’t let the fact...
The Christian’s Hope in Uncertain Times
A quick look at the headlines or through the news channels reveals more reasons than ever to be concerned with...
Six Tips for Reading History Christianly
When you hear the word “history,” what do you think? Maybe, “Ugh, all those names and dates.” Maybe history seems...
After the Election, What Comes Next?
When Americans woke up to a new president, they also woke up to two different versions of reality. Progressives see...
How Christians Can Embody a Pro-life Posture
How Can Your Church Help Make Abortion Unthinkable? As the leader of a network of pro-life pregnancy centers, I have...
The Next Four Years for Followers of Jesus
As I write this, the country is only a few days away from electing the next president of the United...
Guiding Your Child to Purity in a Culture that Glorifies Sexual Sin
As I write this article, I’m near the end of a week-long vacation at a family camp with my wife...
Six Things The Next Generation Needs From The Established Generation [Download]
What does the rising generation find most compelling and memorable about their mentor’s faith? How, as parents, educators, and pastors,...
800 Words About 8 Billion People: Creation Care & The Hope Of The Gospel
Our global population has surpassed eight billion, eliciting various responses from the public. United Nations Secretary General, António Gutterres, quipped:...
Raising Pro-Life Kids: A Practical Guide for Parents [Download]
Christians are called to be peacemakers who believe in and follow Jesus who is the life of the world. He...
How Did We Get Here? Identity, Sexuality, & Gender
Like many in the world, you probably turned on your TV to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. And...
When Pop Stars Pick Presidents
Last week, Taylor Swift wrote to her 285 million followers endorsing Kamala Harris for president. Posing with her cat (a...
Does God Care About Politics? Should We Care?
Saying “God doesn’t care about politics” is a kind of “get out of argument-free” card when under withering assault from...
Getting Started as a Mentor
Several of the ideas in this article have been pulled from Cultivate: Forming the Emerging Generation through Life-on-Life Mentoring by...
Christianity Tells a Better Story Than “Love Is Love”
You’ve probably seen the slogan “Love is love” (or a variation of it) on a t-shirt, bumper sticker, or poster,...
Giving Church Another Chance
Most parents would celebrate finding their teen awake, dressed, and eager to get to church on a Sunday morning. While...
The Violinist Strikes Out
In 1971, two years before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion for decades to follow, MIT...
The Church’s Role in Ending Human Trafficking
Slavery is thriving in today’s world. Though many think this oppressive practice is a thing of the past or a...
Disabilities, Discrimination, & the Dignity of Life
In Stanley Hauerwas’ book, Suffering Presence, which is a collection of theological reflections related to the world of medicine, he...
Is it Possible to Deradicalize Gen Z?
Dr. Jeff Myers shares that if we want the rising generation to fight for America’s future, not against it, we...
Featured Articles
Allegiance to King Jesus Over President, Party, or Pundit
The political discourse in the twenty-first century is filled with emotion, outrage, and passion. This is true regardless of which...
An Argument from Design for God’s Existence
It is difficult not to feel a sense of amazement when looking at the surrounding world. There are millions of...
The Hope of the Servant King in Trials & Tribulations
The credits begin rolling. You get up from your seat, grab your popcorn bag, and head for the exit. On...
Thriving Students: Convictions, Character, & Community
Every summer, four banana yellow buses crawl up the foothills of the Colorado mountains to the Grand View Hotel in...
Show MoreGen Z’s Problems With Money & the True Secret to Financial Peace With Shane Enete
Is debt that bad? What do you NEED to know about finances? When almost everything we use (streaming, listening,...
When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square — Natasha Crain
As cultural hostility toward Christianity intensifies, many Christians have grown more reluctant to advocate for biblical values in the...
Mormonism vs Christianity: Engaging Latter-Day Saints With the Truth — Robby Lashua
If a Latter-Day Saint comes knocking on your door, are you prepared to engage them in a winsome, compelling...
Top Podcasts
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Show More(Some of) the Meaning Behind Kendrick Lamar’s Superbowl Halftime Show
Wait, Back Up… Who is Kendrick Lamar? Lamar is one of the most influential and decorated hip-hop artists of all...
How to Live Forever
The Bible discusses the importance of stewardship over many things, from the environment to our finances. This command also applies...
White Bird: Overcoming Evil With Good
During that time, Sara gets to know Julien, whom she largely ignored during their time in school. He teaches her...
Show MoreWhat Is the Church For? Flourish Group Study Session 6 Trailer
In this video, we learn how the Holy Spirit empowers the church to be God’s representatives in the world. You...
Can Christians Make a Difference? Flourish Group Study Session 5 Trailer
In this video, we see Jesus as the tangible expression of God coming near to us. Everything points forward to...
What Is the Bible About? Flourish Group Study Session 4 Trailer
The story of the Bible is all about how God is at work to bring his people closer to himself....