Inspiring Unmotivated Kids: What to Do & What Not to Do
Who doesn’t want self-motivated kids? As great as that sounds, everyone knows how hard it can be to inspire some...
The Mary You Don’t Know
The “Lost” Story of Mary Mary’s opening lines set the tone for the movie. With baby Jesus in her arms...
Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Christ Follower.
Bonhoeffer: The Controversy If you have picked up a recent biography of Bonhoeffer, it was likely Eric Metaxas’ 2009 biography,...
Can Christians Make a Difference? Flourish Group Study Session 5 Trailer
In this video, we see Jesus as the tangible expression of God coming near to us. Everything points forward to...
Do I Really Need God? Flourish Group Study Session 1 Trailer
Scripture reveals God as the author and finisher of our faith. God desires a deep and daily relationship with us....
Behind-The-Scenes of Building a Worldview: Gen Z, Finding Purpose, & Filmmaking — Jack Murphy
Join us for a fun episode with real talk about the need for apologetics—even for Christian kids!—interning at Summit,...
Beyond Biblical Integration: What Can Go WRONG About Teaching Faith — Roger Erdvig (Rebroadcast)
Audience-favorite rebroadcast with Dr. Roger Erdvig! Slapping a Bible verse onto a math sheet is NOT sufficient to build...
Inspiring Unmotivated Kids: What to Do & What Not to Do
Who doesn’t want self-motivated kids? As great as that sounds, everyone knows how hard it can be to inspire some...
Three Ways Jesus’ Return Gives Us Hope for Today
Hope can seem elusive—like a firefly slipping past a child’s outstretched hand. Sometimes, it seems unreachable, too dim, quickly extinguished....
Love Your Neighbor This Political Season
Undoubtedly, we live in politically polarized times, as affirmed by Gallup and the Pew Research Center. People around the world...
Passing the Baton Of Godly Faithfulness To Your Children Is Easier Than You Think: Think Small to Win Big [Download]
Do you get paralysis by analysis when thinking about passing your faith onto the next generation? Don’t let the fact...
The Christian’s Hope in Uncertain Times
A quick look at the headlines or through the news channels reveals more reasons than ever to be concerned with...
Six Tips for Reading History Christianly
When you hear the word “history,” what do you think? Maybe, “Ugh, all those names and dates.” Maybe history seems...
After the Election, What Comes Next?
When Americans woke up to a new president, they also woke up to two different versions of reality. Progressives see...
The Next Four Years for Followers of Jesus
As I write this, the country is only a few days away from electing the next president of the United...
Guiding Your Child to Purity in a Culture that Glorifies Sexual Sin
As I write this article, I’m near the end of a week-long vacation at a family camp with my wife...
Six Things The Next Generation Needs From The Established Generation [Download]
What does the rising generation find most compelling and memorable about their mentor’s faith? How, as parents, educators, and pastors,...
800 Words About 8 Billion People: Creation Care & The Hope Of The Gospel
Our global population has surpassed eight billion, eliciting various responses from the public. United Nations Secretary General, António Gutterres, quipped:...
How Did We Get Here? Identity, Sexuality, & Gender
Like many in the world, you probably turned on your TV to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. And...
When Pop Stars Pick Presidents
Last week, Taylor Swift wrote to her 285 million followers endorsing Kamala Harris for president. Posing with her cat (a...
Does God Care About Politics? Should We Care?
Saying “God doesn’t care about politics” is a kind of “get out of argument-free” card when under withering assault from...
Christianity Tells a Better Story Than “Love Is Love”
You’ve probably seen the slogan “Love is love” (or a variation of it) on a t-shirt, bumper sticker, or poster,...
The Church’s Role in Ending Human Trafficking
Slavery is thriving in today’s world. Though many think this oppressive practice is a thing of the past or a...
Disabilities, Discrimination, & the Dignity of Life
In Stanley Hauerwas’ book, Suffering Presence, which is a collection of theological reflections related to the world of medicine, he...
Is it Possible to Deradicalize Gen Z?
Dr. Jeff Myers shares that if we want the rising generation to fight for America’s future, not against it, we...
A Christian Economic & Societal Flourishing
If you’d like to learn more about economics from a biblical worldview and the ideas explored in this article, check...
Myths and Facts About the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do conversations about Israel and Palestine leave your head spinning? Few issues seem to have as much misinformation surrounding them...
Step-by-Step Guide to Talking about Israel with Gen Z
When deadly viruses attack, doctors focus on combatting infection and infusing patients with massive doses of fluids and electrolytes to...
A Christian's Guide to the Israel and Palestine Conflict
Do you find yourself asking endless questions about how to understand the conflict in Israel? Whether you’re seeking answers for...
Helping Gen Z Combat Financial Fear in Uncertain Times
The United States economy is a consistent topic of concern and debate as we settle into 2024. A recent study...
The Parable of the Talents & Faithful Stewardship
It begins with some bags of gold. In Matthew 25, Jesus offers a series of striking parables designed to develop...
Hope for Those Lost in Progressive Christianity
We live in a culture that is largely shaped by trends and comfortability. Instead of wanting to delve deeper into...
Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him & Taking Over His Church
Below is an excerpt from the introduction of Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His...
Soul-Nourishing Resolutions for the New Year
As Christians, when we consider New Year’s resolutions, we often think about reading the Bible more, praying more often, or...
Stop Looking Inside Yourself
America’s post-COVID emotional reboot is not going well. In my work with thousands of young adults this year, I find...
A Generation Of Terrorist Sympathizers
The following is an excerpt from Dr. Jeff Myers’ Daily Wire Op-Ed titled Congratulations America, You’ve Raised A Generation Of...
Doubt is a Doorway
There’s a story in the Gospel of Matthew that is both comforting and haunting. It’s the story of John, the...
Featured Articles
Allegiance to King Jesus Over President, Party, or Pundit
The political discourse in the twenty-first century is filled with emotion, outrage, and passion. This is true regardless of which...
Thriving Students: Convictions, Character, & Community
Every summer, four banana yellow buses crawl up the foothills of the Colorado mountains to the Grand View Hotel in...
Preparing for Spiritual Warfare
As Halloween comes around every year, the reality of the spiritual realm comes to the forefront in many people’s minds....
Moving Forward with Biblical Justice
We love our neighbor not just by avoiding doing wrong things, but by doing what is in our power to...
Show MoreBehind-The-Scenes of Building a Worldview: Gen Z, Finding Purpose, & Filmmaking — Jack Murphy
Join us for a fun episode with real talk about the need for apologetics—even for Christian kids!—interning at Summit,...
Beyond Biblical Integration: What Can Go WRONG About Teaching Faith — Roger Erdvig (Rebroadcast)
Audience-favorite rebroadcast with Dr. Roger Erdvig! Slapping a Bible verse onto a math sheet is NOT sufficient to build...
Equipping Christians to Stand With Israel & the Jewish People — Robert Nicholson (Rebroadcast)
Are you confused and overwhelmed about the wars and conflicts in Palestine, Israel, and the Near East? Robert Nicholson...
Top Podcasts
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Show MoreThe Mary You Don’t Know
The “Lost” Story of Mary Mary’s opening lines set the tone for the movie. With baby Jesus in her arms...
Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Christ Follower.
Bonhoeffer: The Controversy If you have picked up a recent biography of Bonhoeffer, it was likely Eric Metaxas’ 2009 biography,...
Femininity According to Sabrina Carpenter
A Pop Culture Blueprint for Womanhood Miley Cyrus. Demi Lovato. Selena Gomez. Ariana Grande. Sabrina Carpenter. Each one of these...
Show MoreCan Christians Make a Difference? Flourish Group Study Session 5 Trailer
In this video, we see Jesus as the tangible expression of God coming near to us. Everything points forward to...
Do I Really Need God? Flourish Group Study Session 1 Trailer
Scripture reveals God as the author and finisher of our faith. God desires a deep and daily relationship with us....
What Is God's Story? Flourish: Church Study for Groups
Where do you fit in God’s plan? What is the purpose for my life? Dive into these questions and more...