800 Words About 8 Billion People: Creation Care & The Hope Of The Gospel
Our global population has surpassed eight billion, eliciting various responses from the public. United Nations Secretary General, António Gutterres, quipped:...
Human (Like)
It truly does seem that, for AI, the sky’s the limit on what we can currently ask it to do...
Sci-Fi Speculation: Moral Warfare
Secular Speculation For some people, this particular “what if” might challenge their ability to suspend disbelief, particularly if they...
Are Faith & Science Incompatible?
Professor of Biology at Colorado Christian University, Dr. Julie Woodman, explains how science and the Christian faith relate and are...
Do Christians Value Science?
J. Warner Wallace explains how Christianity and science are not mutually exclusive. Just the opposite! Christians have been trail blazers...
Standing for Life in a Culture of Death — Scott Klusendorf (Rebroadcast)
What does it mean for Christ-followers to truly be pro-life? Is it merely about voting the right way or...
Core Apologetics: Contending for the Faith — Ben Shaw
What is the place and importance of apologetics for the follower of Jesus? Do we need answers for the...
800 Words About 8 Billion People: Creation Care & The Hope Of The Gospel
Our global population has surpassed eight billion, eliciting various responses from the public. United Nations Secretary General, António Gutterres, quipped:...
The Violinist Strikes Out
In 1971, two years before the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion for decades to follow, MIT...
Truth Changes Everything: How a Biblical Worldview Advances Science
Below is an excerpt from Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis, written...
Faith, Science, & the Quest for Truth
As he stood before Pilate, Jesus responded to the governor’s question about his identity as a king: “You say that...
No Man’s Sky & the Argument from Apparent Design
Does the mere appearance of design in the natural world indicate a designer? And what does a video game have...
How Technology Affects Us (and What to Do About It)
In 2021, news spread about “TikTok Tics,” a social contagion spreading among young people. During the COVID-19 pandemic, kids were...
Technology: Tool or Tyrant?
If you are living in the West, you are standing at the precipice of a cultural revolution that will fundamentally...
Examining Our Mindset to Help Our Youth Struggling With Mental Health Issues
I initially set out to write an article helping pastors and church leaders recognize and respond to signs of mental...
David Wilson on Christianity & Mental Health
Listen in as David Wilson and Aaron Klemm have a conversation about mental health. This discussion is to help equip,...
When Anxiety Attacks: Helping Children Navigate Fear, Doubt, & Insecurity
I’m relatively new to the world of college education, having served as an adjunct faculty member and now academic dean...
Jason Jimenez on Transgender Ideology
Listen in as Jason Jimenez and Aaron Klemm have a conversation about transgender ideology. This discussion is to help equip,...
Understanding Gender Ideology & Transgenderism
We live in a time when the culture-forming institutions of the Western world (e.g., education, mass media, big business, some...
How Christianity Shaped the World
One of the myths of the modern Western world is that Christianity has been a mostly detrimental force in history....
Popular Cultural Narratives That Are Untrue: What Pro-Choice Advocates Want You to Believe
Never before has the abortion conversation been so prevalent in the news. With the questions surrounding the Supreme Court decision...
Pornography & Culture
In this podcast from The Daily Signal, Summit faculty member Haley McNamara discusses the incredibly important work she is doing...
The Decline of Darwinism
This recent article at Evolution News highlights some interesting developments in scientific fields about evolution. First, it discusses the recent...
A Seat at the Table: Christian Relevance in an Anti-Christian Culture
This week’s episode of Unbelievable contains an interesting conversation between Dr. John Lennox and Dr. Peter Atkins, moderated by author and...
Christianity: The Fuel for Modern Science
This video by Tim Barnett highlights some crucial points about the relationship between science and Christianity. Many of the founders...
Is Life on Earth Unique?
Colson Center President and Summit faculty member John Stonestreet brings to our attention some interesting new research about the uniqueness of life here...
A Straightforward Way to Think about the Bible and Science
Science assumes that nature operates in a predictable, stable manner—principles that early scientists believed because they held a Christian worldview.
Trust Us, We’re Scientists
For Americans, the word of scientists is final. We live our daily lives on the basis of scientific findings, particularly...
Leaving Psychology Behind
Modern American psychology, like the land of ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts. This division of psychology into three...
The Scientific Evidence for Creation
Duane Gish, noted creationist, lays out a case against evolution, drawing on evidence from the fossil record, homology, vestigial organs,...
Featured Articles
An Argument from Design for God’s Existence
It is difficult not to feel a sense of amazement when looking at the surrounding world. There are millions of...
"My Body, My Choice"
This week’s episode of The Point by John Stonestreet shows the history of one of the most common pro-abortion arguments. Stonestreet...
Can Darwinism Explain the Language of Life?
In this recent episode of the Discovery Institute’s ID the Future podcast, Dr. Jonathan Wells brings to light some interesting...
Show MoreStanding for Life in a Culture of Death — Scott Klusendorf (Rebroadcast)
What does it mean for Christ-followers to truly be pro-life? Is it merely about voting the right way or...
Core Apologetics: Contending for the Faith — Ben Shaw
What is the place and importance of apologetics for the follower of Jesus? Do we need answers for the... The #1 App for Daily Prayer — Matthew Potter
Can we use contemporary technology and applications to help spread God’s kingdom and imitate Jesus in his prayer life?...
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Show MoreHuman (Like)
It truly does seem that, for AI, the sky’s the limit on what we can currently ask it to do...
Sci-Fi Speculation: Moral Warfare
Secular Speculation For some people, this particular “what if” might challenge their ability to suspend disbelief, particularly if they...
Can We Escape Consequences?
Decision, Decisions From the moment Tony Stark was mortally wounded by weaponry he designed in the first Iron Man film,...
Show MoreAre Faith & Science Incompatible?
Professor of Biology at Colorado Christian University, Dr. Julie Woodman, explains how science and the Christian faith relate and are...
Do Christians Value Science?
J. Warner Wallace explains how Christianity and science are not mutually exclusive. Just the opposite! Christians have been trail blazers...
What is Bioethics?
Bioethics is a rapidly growing field. Megan Almon discusses how bioethics answers questions like “What does it even mean to...